Friday 20 September 2013

Loss of a Pet

In the last couple months I have had at least two of my fish die. It's quite silly to admit, I was sad when they passed away. I suppose it's like losing any other pet. I lost my cat years ago. I wonder what it means I still don't own a cat; even though I love animals. In these high tech and fast paced times;  for some people their only comfort is coming home to a pet at the end of their day. People don't talk to each other face to face any more. Lots of people spend hours on their Facebook with their Facebook friends and tapping on their smart phones. Animals provide us comfort and unconditional love that gives us comfort in this harsh, cut throat realities of life.  It's been proven that  pets improve our mental health, lowers cholesterol , lowers blood pressure, decrease stress, eases chronic pain, prevents stroke, helps people socialize and prevents stroke.  In our high stress and busy lifestyle, pets reminds us to slow our life down and enjoy life. Pets can pick up on cues when we are feeling down or are sick. Therapy pets are being used for people with diabetes, to alert them if their blood sugar is too high or low, or if someones is about to have a seizure and to help the blind navigate the world. Losing my fish made me realize we have become so disconnected from each other. For some  people it's the only real connection they have.


I'm really excited for the first day of fall. Fall to me means back to schedules, holidays, trying something new and/or return to school or work. This period of the year is a great time to do some fall cleaning. Most people will be spending more time indoors. It's also a time to revisit or learn a new activity or hobby. During the summer I had no interest in knitting and doing lots of cooking in the kitchen. But this past weekend I had the sudden urge to pick up my knitting and make some soup. Maybe it's because we just had the harvest moon or fall is a time our ancestors would prepare the home and food for the cold winter season approaching. What is your favorite indoor hobby? What is your favorite meal to make during the colder months? I will be starting my Hypnotherapy program this month. I am really looking forward to that. Next year near the end of the program, I'll be looking for volunteers that would like to receive free Hypnotherapy. As I near the end of my schooling, I'll let everyone know dates and times. Next month I will be hosting my Woman's in Transition Group. For more info about my events, check out my events tab or go to my Facebook page. We have been very lucky with the weather this summer and this month. As I type this, I am still wearing my sandals. What do you have planed for fall? I am on my second knitting project. I hope it turns out well!